Friday, December 17, 2010

WikiLeaks - do you care?

If you are serious about learning about this new phenomenon on the web and in the news, you might take a look at this Swedish produced documentary on the cyber entity. It could form your opinion, or change it.
If you are interested in the future of the internet, you should take the time to view it. If you are interested in demystifying Julian Assange, you should view it. If you are interested in free communication, you must watch it.
If you are here because you simply believe conspiracy theories, you should leave, this video is no theory.

Pay particular attention to the comment from a soldier in the helicopter gunship cockpit after the destruction of the minivan. Start at 25:30. If you are not too sick by then, go back and watch the whole video, then ask yourself why this isn't headline news on every TV station in the world? - WikiRebels: The Full Documentary About WikiLeaks Video

Check out this link too -


  1. As unbelievable as it should be, I am aghast at this whole scenario! In fact I feel sick about it. I have a different feeling of wikileaks now and also a different feeling about our freedoms in this awful new world, that feeling is called dread!

  2. I think Wiki is doing a service that should be done by our newspapers and so called media, keep up the good work.


On ongoing chew of events worth puking up later.