Sunday, November 7, 2010

Conspiracy theorists. Where from?

The argument that many people who believe a certain conspiracy idea start out thinking in paranoic terms is not so. Those arguments are often convoluted and stretched to fit their premise. Some twisted minds automatically believe anything against a government, or corporation, or political party because of some pain they have been inflicted with.
Yet others begin with a simple, seemingly innocent question. A seed of an idea that begins to grow and bloom with either suspicious answers or a telling silence.

Conspiracies are born when someone tries to hide or distort the truth amid a series of obvious lies or through so many omissions that the prevarication becomes evident. When the simple seeking of information becomes purposely clouded in disinformation the red flags go up.

To name just a few suspicions that fuel these kinds of ideas;
The JFK conspiracy was born from just too many incidents: like when a pristine undeformed bullet appeared on JFK's stretcher carrying his body. AND when witnesses to the murder of officer Tippet conflicted yet only those who said they saw Oswald were used. AND when Oswald was shot within one day. AND, when the powers that be had to enlist the best army sharpshooter to duplicate shots with a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle from the Schoolbook Depository. AND when the people who heard and saw actions from the 'grassy knoll' were ignored. AND when 10 eyewitnesses 'mysteriously' died in the 6 months immediately after. And when Jack Ruby suddenly died. AND when the Warren Commission ignored or did NOT include many pertinent facts in their summery report. And even years later the fire was stoked again when George HW Bush lied about his presence in Dallas that day until it was proven he was there. Etc etc.
Is there a valid reason that people would NOT start to believe something was afoul?

The 9-11 conspiracy has been born because simple questions and what should be obvious evidence is being withheld from the public knowledge.
Like of the 214 surveillance camera sequences that were confiscated near the Pentagon by the FBI on the day, we only get 4 FRAMES to 'show' it was an airliner. AND when NORAD and the US military in charge of protecting America from terrorism is totally useless in that they don't scramble masses of F15s. AND when the First Responders, firemen and police all swear there were explosions in the basements of WTC 1 and 2. AND when a steel structured high rise building falls down from fire for the first time in history. AND when airliners crash into the earth and the Pentagon but leave NO trace when every previous crash in history does leave tail and fusilage. AND when the steel is immediately shipped off to China before the NTSB can even do a single test of that steel. AND when President George W Bush is called to testify it is behind closed doors with an agreement that nothing will be recorded and he brings his 'handler', Dick Cheney with him.

Other conspiracies form from a history of stealth and manipulation, from the first denials of friendly fire incidents to `false flag` operations. Like when it is PROVEN that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was faked. And that Agent Orange WAS sprayed over innocent people. And when the CIA actually have the resources to start their own secret airline. And when the US Government admits to having 83,000 employees doing nothing but adding misinformation, counteracting negative publicity and conspiracy theories in newspapers, web forums etc, thereby spreading DISinformation.

Conspiracy theorists are not the paranoids who would shout about the voices they hear in their heads, even though those sufferers jump onto the theories right away, no, conspiracy theorists are those who only want a simple answer that they KNOW is easily given but withheld for whatever reason. They are the ones who, only through the process of elimination of the spin stories, see that the truth, whatever it may be, is being manipulated and fed to the people.
Accepting that manufactured truth is something certain people cannot do. In spite of the shadow of fear and threat cast with it. It defies their logic, reason and intelligence.

Call them what you will, but they are willing to face the ridicule in searching for the truth.
Kind of a brave thing to do, actually.

Keep asking questions.

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On ongoing chew of events worth puking up later.